2 responses
I presume you realize toward the end you misidentified the episode as #111. :)

You can blame the Green/Eco movement for listing the ingredients -- lots of call for chemical-free (har-har) products, especially for sensitive skin types, hypoallergenic, etc.

It's also important to note that in most households, women buy the soap and shampoo; that's why the Old Spice dude-in-a-towel campaign was aimed so blatantly at women and why marketing "rosemary and green tea" shampoo works.

That said, I balk at paying more than $10 for a bottle of shampoo (and that's a big Value-size bottle) so $107? It would have to be proven to reverse male-pattern-balding for me to stop laughing long enough to ponder purchasing.

I realized the 111 when listening back after it was posted. I believe it was the Green Tea/Magic Mushroom Conditioner I was doing Whip-its with by my computer. I got it for two bucks from a suspicious-looking guy on the corner wearing a DyscultureD t-shirt.