9 responses
Glad to hear you are back and your character remains true. How hard was it to not podcast anything for the last couple weeks?
Well said Anthony!

I listen to a number of podcast and I don't always agree with everything expressed in them. But, hearing these various views and opinions keeps me engaged and gets me thinking about my own beliefs. And shouldn't we all be doing that?

So great to have you back!

That was a sick podcast!!! Good to hear your voice again man!!!!
Aw man, I was here for the out of context pro-Nazi god-hating rants.

Glad you're back dude, we're proud of you.

Jeremy - Thankfully, by essentially having two jobs for the campaign, my time was taken up anyway, but I did a couple of things. First, during the Smearathon, I actually recorded two rather passionate eDay Countdown podcasts which will surface over the next couple of days. I also typed up the entire story which will be posted this weekend as a PDF. And I produced and edited TV Eh? which my "hero" Mike Vardy took over for me so the show could go on. That said, it was unbelievably difficult to switch from creator to consumer cold turkey.

vivh - Thanks for listening and "getting" what it's all about.

Brandon - See you on Sunday :-)

Bob - I think we'd have to dose you with strychnine to get you to stop listening to podcasts, but thanks for keeping your ear tuned to this one. How's this for PAB theme: The role of the digital content creator in the next 25 years.

"Abject ridiculousness" should be the title of the eDay Countdown podcast -- I swear I need to sue the OLP for throwing a wrench into my listening habits! I'm glad you're back but on the plus side, your absence forced me to explore other podcasts so even in your absence, you've enriched my world. :)
Cheryl - There will be at least two eDay Countdown podcasts [recorded during the events] to come, plus the written story, plus an audio version of the written story. My plan is to archive all of them at edaycountdown.posterous.com. As it's a holiday weekend, I've got some free time!
Love it.
I am so glad to hear that you have not been beaten by those bastards and your voice has not been silenced... only strengthened.