thinglets: It ain't for the money!

Thanks to Andrey Tochilin @tochilin for posting this 7 minute clip of me from a panel discussion at Podcamp Toronto 2011 last Saturday. The segment was part of a session called "Why Do We Podcast? It Ain't For The Money!" as conceived by Canadian Podcast guru Scarborough Dude. What followed from me was a quick evolution of why and how I started podcasting, and where I've arrived at now.

Scarborough Dude hosts the DicksnJanes podcast. Also on the panel were Ninja DeHotfrm of Hot Fossils and Rebel Matters and Keith McNally of XO, Ham Radio & Vinyl Countdown. As with most panels I've been on, I often learn more by being able to watch crowd response to my fellow panelists' contributions than worry about my own. If Andrey recorded them as well, I'd advise you to search them out.

thinglets: Atlantic Timelapse

I've always dug timelapse footage and I don't know why. Often times set in city streets where one can see people skittering around like ants, the method provides a certain macro-view of a place. I often think of the technique used in Koyaanisqatsi's "The Grid" where the head and tail lights of cars zipping in and out of the city recollected red and white blood cells flowing in and out of a human heart. It's rare to see good quality timelapse on water though, much less the Queen Mary on a run from NYC to the Caribbean.

Sit back and enjoy some majesty. And if you can, watch the HD version.