thinglets: Searching for "Pictures" - The 19% Rule

Was just noodling around doing some research for a presentation next week and decided to get a bit deconstructionist by searching Google Images for the word "pictures". I'd have to say the first page results were more expected than surprising, but did probably represent a pretty accurate representation of web image searches:

3 thumbnails of a sexual nature

11 thumbnails of animals (many with captionz)

4 thumbnails of pics that are just kinda cool

2 thumbnails of pics that are weird shit

1 thumbnail of a webpage graphic to denote other pictures

So, out of 21 pics, I'd probably only have any use for the 4 that are kinda cool. That's less than 19%, and this value has become my new non-scientific de facto standard of how many images on the web have any real merit whatsoever.