A little refelction meets a little refraction and the late night spectrum of colours bounces around.
A little refelction meets a little refraction and the late night spectrum of colours bounces around.
A night that turned from a song I wanted to hear, to songs I'd never heard, to reminiscences about late nights gone by and late nights to come.
100 years ago a boat hit an iceberg. Some lived. Some died. Some got rich off the story of which, the only salient point that burns in my brain is humanity's arrogance.
A 4.5 hour Godfather II marathon led to a wayward ramble including leap day, the nature of time, and an old favourite: the news.
I think I went from The Simpsons to Stanley Kubrick to Soundtracks to the Rheostatics, but I could be wrong.
This podcast may increase virility and could cure cancer as long as you possibly choose butter over margarine... or not. Details on Episode 429!
So, really, how real to you want your reality to be when real life isn't that entertaining?