thinglets: Top Ten lovehatethings Posts By Views

1) lovehate: Scope, Scale, Setting and The Watchmen (18580 views) - While I really enjoyed writing this, I suppose it's popularity was tied more to opportunistic timing and tagging than anything else.

2) thinglets: Tanzania's Albino Genocide (18503 views) - I can't believe how much this post took off. I originally commented on a situation that I found horrifying and absurd at the same time. I suppose I managed to catch onto a topic that very few other people had chosen to talk about.

3) lovehate: The Ten Commandments of Not Pissing Me Off (8208 views) - It's nice to see that when you include a religious reference in a blog post title, you invariably get hits. I don't think this was the blog they were looking for.

4) thinglets: the power of tagging (7201 views) - Prompted by the Watchmen post at number one, I waxed on the serendipity of finding the right tag at the right time.

5) thinglets: Film-a-month Favs for 2009 (part two) (6439 views) - Again, the power of including a bunch of upcoming film names in one post proves the power of tagging. While I haven't tracked the views on this post too much, I'm assuming its numbers are pumped up each time one of these films comes out.

6) thinglets: The Fast and the Foodiness (6295 views) - An absurd exercise that's been found by a bunch of folks... really quite ridiculous.

7) lovehate: Fan to Store to Con to Web (6088 views) - Examining the path that fans take as their passion for popular culture evolves.

8) lovehate: The Church of Baudhism (6080 views) - If religion consumes faith and passion, how many of us have turned to the web on Sunday mornings as the new altar of worship.

9) lovehate: The Immaculate Waffle (5558 views) - A consideration of the lengths that travelers will go to in order to "cash in" on a free breakfast while on the road.

10) lovehate: Footnote to Favicon (5208 views) - How the conversation around web browsing can be reduced to a row of favicons across the top of your browser.