thinglets: Do It Yourself Volcano Video Mashup

Okay, time for your own mashup. Here's some fantastic footage of the Icelandic volcano that sounds like a Tolkien character. If you start the music and video as simultaneously as possible, what's your favourite choice... or maybe you can suggest your own.

Eyjafjallajökull - Fimmförduháls Eruption on Iceland from Marc Szeglat on Vimeo.

1. Pink Floyd - The Great Gig In The Sky

2. Rage Against the Machine - Sleep Now In The Fire

3. King Crimson - Red

4. David Bowie - Ashes to Ashes

5. Richard Wagner - Die Walkure


thinglets: How to use "new" media for an old purpose

I've been a fan of the band Phish for well over a decade. They're a band whose popularity was the end result of social media even before the phrase became de rigeur. By allowing free recording of their shows and never repeating setlists, BBS news would spread every night of songs played, and within 24 hours, entire shows for free download would appear on FTP sites. The Phish newsgroups sometimes had 1000 posts a day and people used the web to arrange cassette and eventually CD trading vines.

After hundreds of shows and over 25 years, the band still has not lost its sense of humor or its ability to gravitate to an internet crowd. That they appreciate the need to advertise an upcoming tour on the web is, I suppose, expected. That they can find a way to do it that makes me smile and glad that I've already got tickets is a bonus.

Here's to a band that is willing to put money out for a fan base that is committed and will follow the band wherever they go. A band that's never had a song on the charts or a music video of note.

I applaud the effort. I love the cheekiness. I know that as long as a quarter-century old band can continue to be this creative, they will keep drawing new fans to shows. And isn't that a big part of what social and new media are all about?

thinglets: A Manufactured Landscape

From a pretty cool doc that came out of Canada a few years ago called Manufactured Landscapes, this long tracking shot served as the introduction to the film. As you watch the over 4:30 minute long video, while one Chinese uber-factory is traversed, you get a sense of scale that is rarely conceived.

Very thought-provoking in its persistence and simplicity.

thinglets: 10 Mutations I'm Looking For Venture Capital Funding To Develop

  1. Some kind of snake rattling system to let people know I'm pissed off and don't want to talk. I hate when I try to tell people I'm in a "mood" and that they shouldn't bother me, only to have them ask "What's wrong?" and want to talk about it.
  2. Some kind of crazy Monsanto bio-textile shirt made of grass that sparkles with dew at dawn.
  3. Some kind of ET luminescent heart that would save me money on night light batteries.
  4. Some kind of auto-hair that was self-cleaning and coiffing.
  5. Some kind of eyes that project holograms so that no matter where I am, I will have entertainment.
  6. Some kind of radio wave telepathy that would make people say "What the fuck am I saying! I just lied my ass off to you!" after lying their ass off to me.
  7. Some kind of magic legislative powers that would prevent Hollywood from remaking, re-imagining, rehashing, or re-inventing films and characters and plots that were obsolete 50 years ago.
  8. Some kind of music mind time machine wipe that would allow me to forget every Genesis song after "Misunderstanding" (which was strangely appropriate for everything that came after) ...oh, and BTW, also erase every solo Phil Collins recording ever except the drum roll from "In the Air Tonight" for when I'm drunk.
  9. Some kind of ability that would allow me to taste a fantastic aged Old Cheddar without ever having to go out an buy it.
  10. Some kind of ability to sense and levitate drink and foodstuffs that were about to fall on my shirt and stain it in the morning when I had shit to do that day.

Or how about just being able to do 1/10th the things this guy can do:

KLHT 01 - The Smooth Sounds of the 70s Podcast

Folks, this is a lovehatethings first (and maybe last). I have no idea if there will be takedown orders a plenty on this once it's posted, but the night just felt right for the launching of KLHT - lovehatethings radio. I don't know why I chose K indicated a US station west of the Mississippi instead of C to denote Canada. Maybe it just seemed appropriate.

I hope you dig it, because quite frankly, even though there are thousands of people who do radio podcasts with copyrighted songs... I might get in trouble for this.

But it was soooo much fun!