While I'm under the influence of NyQuil and Fisherman's Friend, podcasts may be scarce for a couple of days, and many words make Anthony's head hurt. Instead, here's yet another reason to explore Vimeo. I'm diggin' it. Kinda like Koyaanisqatsi Tokyo-style... or, still stuck in my head from the Simpsons last night, Koyaani-Scratchy.
At over 40 years old, not much has changed in our relationship with our vehicles. Suffice to say, if aliens looked at our culture from overhead, they would think that cars represented intelligent life on earth. Love the nfb.ca.
A somewhat coherent ramble after returning from a week long absence and discovering how much I missed a microphone. You can call it vanity if you want, but it's not that I like to hear the sound of my own voice as much as thinking that I can share ideas with someone I may never have a conversation with. I've always dug jamming on the keys, but this behind the mic thing is pretty special too.
Just some non-sensical ruminations as I look out on the ocean from the Trump Taj Mahal in A.C. NJ.
Inane zombie-like late night ramblings in the middle of a crazy insomniac weekend. Not very relevant to anything or anyone but me.
But if you don't like it, don't listen to my most meaningless podcast ever.
A dark twisted poem by Robert Service that I remember reading in school. The poem, along with a scan of the entire volume from 1907 is available in scanned book form (plus other formats) from the Public Domain juggernaut archive.org.
Only the NFB could allow me to travel for millions of miles, hypnotically transfixed, from a rowboat to the galaxies to the atom to the rowboat... gently down the stream.
What a trip? Now if I just had a Chipwich to tide me over.
Some of the resources I listed in the podcast can be found here:
A great series of short animated clips that show the dangers of rampant abuses of the Alberta Tar Sands and the dangers that Canada faces as a country if we allow our government to continue down this crude road.
Thanks to the creators for some great work and Vimeo for hosting some of the best videos on the web.