Will someone please call me out for doing what is essentially a holiday-themed podcast three weeks early?
photo courtesy gizmodiva.com
A mix of thoughts from leaving Las Vegas to arriving in Sedona to remembering when holiday tech fliers baited me.
Why the holidays and malls don't mix for me.
Ah hell, who's kidding who? Why malls don't mix for me ANYTIME!
While really good Christmas songs are few and far between, I really think this a valiant effort. These groovy cats in Wizzard are the last people you'd probably wanting popping into your house during the holidays. That being said, they're all a few decades older now... perhaps that makes the concept even creepier. I think this band may have their look inspired by Narnia characters.
And if you don't think these guys are creepy enough, check out Slade's take on Christmas. (This is the band that Quiet Riot ripped off for years.) Slade looks creepy without costumes. If one of these guys said: "How'd you like to find me in your stockings?" to anyone close to me, I'd probably bash them in the head with a bottle of rum and then pour egg nog on them just to make sure.