On the Olympics, daytime television schadenfreude, Krinkles the F'ed Up Clown, printing a spleen and a satirical condemnation of ACTA.
My two word review of the Fall TV Hit Glee, plus freaky-ass cereal mascots, how Patrick Swayze cost me my job, and how Tom Waits song titles become poetry.
The Lucky Charms Leprechaun
As crazy as most cereal boxes are when they introduce characters and mascots, sometimes the non-traditional juxtapositions make for the nuttiest futuristic things you never thought you'd see as part of your cereal box fort.
Get your pop culture retro fix on with the Cap'n, the Count, Frankenberry and Mr.T.
And as a special bonus a rare episode of the Sugar Bear cartoon before cereals were afraid to put "sugar" in their names.