A dark twisted poem by Robert Service that I remember reading in school. The poem, along with a scan of the entire volume from 1907 is available in scanned book form (plus other formats) from the Public Domain juggernaut archive.org.
A dark twisted poem by Robert Service that I remember reading in school. The poem, along with a scan of the entire volume from 1907 is available in scanned book form (plus other formats) from the Public Domain juggernaut archive.org.
Some of the resources I listed in the podcast can be found here:
A great series of short animated clips that show the dangers of rampant abuses of the Alberta Tar Sands and the dangers that Canada faces as a country if we allow our government to continue down this crude road.
Thanks to the creators for some great work and Vimeo for hosting some of the best videos on the web.
Another great gift via the nfb.ca website.
I've never been a huge fan of Leonard Cohen, but the stylish 45 year old look at one of Canada's most popular poets and performers was too cool to pass up. Beyond its examination of Cohen, it really gives viewers a sense of place and time in such a way that is esssential, and unfortunately often unique, to some of the great National Film Board content creators that we still enjoy today.
While I would never expect any to sit back and watch all 45 minutes, it is entertaining and engaging. And now you know where to find it.
Some ruminating on the Bowl that is Super, the Buzz that is Google, the Olymps that are Ick, and what's Better than Better.
I know that many of you would guess that "Prorogue" would be a dashing thief who gets paid, but instead I offer a ten minute impromptu rant on what Canadian government proroguing is all about, why people SHOULD be pissed off, and how such a messed up system is allowed to continue... it's all about the Benjamins... well, actually it's all about the Loonies.
EDIT: I'm such an idiot that I forgot the Bloc Quebecois when speaking about the political parties. Maybe they need to run in Ontario or do something meaningful for me to care about them.